Free programming workshop for women

Build your first website in Cape Town in October 2016!

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Thursday 6th

8:30am - 9:15am: Registration (Look out for Django Girl Signage or Ask around)

9:15am - 9:30am Pycon Opening

9:30am - 10:30am Pycon Keynote

10:30am - 11:00am Coffee / Tea

11:00am - 12:30pm Installation Party

12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch is served!

13:30pm - 15:00pm Django Girls Working Session 1

15:00pm - 15:30pm Coffee / Tea Break

15:30pm - 17:00pm Django Girls Session 2

17:00pm - 17:30pm Lightning Talks

Friday 7th

08:30am - 9:00am Arrival / Morning Coffee

9am - 10am Pycon Panel Discussion

10:00am - 10:45am Django Girls Working Session 3

10:45am - 11:15am Coffee/Tea

11:15am - 12:45pm Django Girls Working Session 4

12:45pm - 13:30pm Lunch is served!

13:30pm - 15:00pm Django Girls Working Session 5

15:00pm - 15:30pm coffee/tea

15:30pm - 16:15pm Django Girls Wrap Up and Close Off

16:15pm - 16:45pm Lightning Talks

16:45pm - 17:45pm Pycon Talk

17:45pm - 18:00pm Pycon Closing

18:00pm - 21:00pm Drinks and snacks

More Details

Applications are now Closed

Do I need to know anything about websites or programming?

No! Workshops are for beginners. You don’t need to know anything about it. However, if you have a little bit of technical knowledge (i.e. you know what HTML or CSS are) you still can apply!

Should I bring my own laptop?

Yes. We have no hardware, so we expect you to bring your computer with you. It is also important for us that you will take home everything you’ll write and create during workshops.

Can I apply if I don't live in Cape Town?

You are more than welcome to apply if you don't live in Cape Town. However, we are not able to offer transport or financial assistance.

Do I need to have something installed on my laptop?

It would be helpful to have Django installed before workshops, but we wouldn't expect you to install anything on your own. We will have an installation party where coaches will help you install everything you need.

Do I get to attend PyConZa?

Yes! You do. Your ticket will be sponsored. Please note, the conference will run on the 6th-7th of October, you will need to able to attend both these days.

Is food provided?

Yes. Your ticket to PyConZa will include food.

Be a Coach!

We would be delighted if you would like to join us as a coach! Contact us on if you are interested.

We will contact you :)

Django Girls

Django Girls Cape Town is a part of bigger initiative: Django Girls. It is a non-profit organization and events are organized by volunteers in different places of the world.

To see the source for the program find us on Github:

If you want to bring Django Girls to your city, drop us a line


We couldn't be here without the support from amazing people and organizations who donated money, knowledge and time to help us make this a reality. If you want to contribute and support our goal, please get in touch

They already support The Django Girls Foundation ✨✨

Diamond 💞✨

Gold 💖✨